Thursday, May 12, 2011

What I'm Loving!

This morning, I went running. I tried to run a mile but only succeeded in making a half mile. Ugh, so disappointed. I just couldn't catch my breath and my legs felt like wet noodles.

I want to be a runner, so I'm gonna keep at it. But I think I need help. Maybe new sneakers, breathing techniques, maybe my gait is wrong, making me tired too fast.. I don't know.

Any runners out there have any advice?

Although, I didn't make the mile mark running, I did finish a mile by running and walking. Then, I added dips and pushups before leaving the track. I felt good about my routine today. Making lemonade with lemons right?

I'm loving the transformation in my body and well being. I feel more energized, albeit sore. Stronger, more resilient, alert and confident. I feel pretty. So I will partake in a "Goddess Salad" today.


K. Rock said...

While I don't consider myself "a runner" the only advice I have at this point is keep doing it. I was in the same position just a few months ago and now through practice, I am up to 5 miles. It sounds like you had a great workout so just keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I clicked the link and that salad sounds yummy! Would you mind sharing the specifics regarding your cleanse? Sorry if I missed it in an earlier post.

Unknown said...

Don't even sweat it!! Some people are just not runners. I'm not a runner so I do sprints and walk. It's the same good workout and it's fun game I play by saying "o.k., I'm gonna run as fast as I can to that cactus" or car, or whatever is kinda far up. I'm dying the whole time of course but I know I get to walk soon so it's o.k. I do a two mile course walking for 10 minutes then doing a sprint, walk, then sprint and so on. Try it!

anita said...

Any updates you can show us on the HOUSE?!

anita said...

just keep doing what you're doing! Before you know it, the walking part will get shorter, and the running part will get longer.
You'll be adding a lap and then another, and then you'll be up to 2 miles before you know it!
And even if you're just walking the whole time, that's good too!!

(I only know this from *past* experience....I need to take my own advice!!)

Bring Pretty Back said...

Good for you! I am going to be honest with you... I hate running. Just hate it. When I was working out hot and heavy. I just couldn't get run. I admire those of you that can do it! I need to just get walking more!
Keep it up!
Have a pretty day!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

That salad looks so good. Keep up the good work you're doing great!

Check out this blog

Anonymous said...

Wow, rather impressed. I suck at running :b It's awesome that you have enough self motivation and strength to keep trying. Good luck, I'm sure, you'll become a good runner ;-) By the way, salad looks very tasty :) Ju x

veronica said...

first of all, congratulations on getting out there!

second of all, i never thought i'd respond to a blog post as a runner, but apparently, hell has frozen over. i've recently taken up running, after signing up for a half-marathon, and fallen in love with it.

i read this post a few months ago, and am just coming back to it having read your post. ( )

the woman speaks the truth better than i ever could. lace up your shoes, and hit the road. so, you got a half mile this go-round. conquer that, then hit the mile. then two, then three, and up from there. i guarantee you'll be surprised at how easy it is to move up and add distance, and you've got the whole blogosphere behind you! good luck.

P.S. I love this... said...

@BPB - Thanks for the encouragement. I used to run in school, the mile and half miles were my races.. how ironic. It was almost effortless but now, not so much. lol

@GP - Thanks a bunch! That's my new go-to salad.

@ Ju x - Hi There! Thanks for stopping by and the words of encouragement.

@ Veronica - Hi There! Thanks for stopping by and that link. That start with a 3 song playlist is such a great idea! I'm gonna try that my next run.