Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Getaway

When I think of the "getaway", ie, the Honeymoon, usually one would think of a week or so of beautiful scenary, luscious lounging, tantalizing cuisine and fruity drinks. Basically, relaxing and unwinding from all the stress of planning a wedding..this getaway, is the reward as well as a new lifelong beau, to share it with.

With that said, Treasure and I decided that he would handle the honeymoon. Totally. I don't want to know anything about it...I told him that I just wanna get on a plane and go somewhere nice. Now most would, at least, want to know where the honeymoon destination is..but not I. I trust his judgement completely. BUT, there's always a huge but, if I did have a say it would be to have a volunteer honeymoon. What?!??! you say... Volunteering on my honeymoon??!?!? No way! I just want to relax and eat and have relations with my new husband. =) Well, I do too but I need something more. Something rewarding, something different...something life changing. My suggestion would be to volunteer for project in our global community.

GeoVisions is company that provides a "Voluntourism" experience. "GeoVisions offers exciting ways to experience first hand a new country, a town, a community through our volunteer abroad and teach abroad programs. It's voluntourism at it's best. You have the ability to immerse yourself in a completely different land and culture while gaining a new cultural understanding. The rewards are astounding!

Learn about a new culture
Be part of a team
Help other people
Help the environment
Help animals
Learn about conservation
Learn about people
Learn about animals you don't normally see
Teach English
And so much more"

It sounds great to me! So I did a little research, just in case, Treasure, is interested in my input. I came across the DOLPHIN CONSERVATION ON THE REMOTE GREEK ISLAND OF KALAMOS.

I believe this experience to be an awesome way for us to start our new life together. And what's more fabulous than that!!


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