Friday, September 26, 2008

Beautiful Blooms

My attention has turned back to flowers as of late. Of particular interest is my bouquet. I hadn't found anything that I liked. I mean I've seen flowers that I like individually but not bouquets... until now. My apologies for not having a photo but if you click here you'll visit the fab Nisie's Enchanted Florist site to see my dreamy bouquet.

See that bouquet on the top right? That's what I want. But not in one color. Which brings me to my next photo of inspiration:

photo from Delovely Designs

I love how there's "sections" of complimentary color.(the top part) It's really WOWing my socks off. I think having my bouquet designed like that would be delightfully pretty and different. I think done with mini roses, barely opened, tightly bunched, in different colors of the wedding, it would be divine. Then my bridesmaids could each have one of the colors of corresponding blooms for their bouquets. It's going to be smashing against their black dresses and make for great photos.

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Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!