Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hair Affair

I've been pondering how I'd like to wear my hair for the wedding. I know I wanted something loose yet controlled, if that makes sense. I have to keep in mind that this style has to work famously with my birdcage veil. I don't want there to be too much going to so that it doesn't distract from my whole look..rather compliment it fabulously. Also I want to take my hair down after the first dance. That's when I'll be changing into my reception dress, a short little cocktail number to show off my shoes. =)

I found this and think it's spot on! (You may find that I'll be using the "spot on" phrase alot. I have a new diva in my bff posse and she says it all the time in her cute English accent.)

I just love me some Carrie Underwood. She's such a cutie pie. She always looks smashing and well edited.

This hairstyle may be the one I'll go for during my hair trial. That's gonna be so weird.. me, the bridal makeup and hair savant, sitting for a trial. It's so funny everyone always asks, if I'm going to do my own hair and makeup. The answer is a big, fat no! Why.. because I want to be pampered and not stressed about not getting my eyelashes on straight because I'm a bundle of nervous energy. Nope, I just wanna sit back and enjoy while sipping my demi sec.


  1. did you catch Carrie's interview in Allure? it will make you love her even more. that hair is perfect wedding hair!

  2. Hi That Disney Girl!! Thanks for stopping by. Yes I did read the interview. She's too precious.. Thanks for the wedding hair approval. I think it's just smashing! =)


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!