Sunday, September 14, 2008

Two Down, One To Go

Hi-ya! Boy does a little rest do a girl some good. I'm feeling all kinds of fabulous! So much so that I've started working out. Well, actually I've worked out once but hey, that's a start.

Ok, so I've gotten two tasks off of my "To Do" list. I've booked the date for the wedding ceremony at Trinity Church. So glad that's done. As I've come to learn, people from all over the world request to have their weddings there. So it's a good thing I called almost everyday, to get an appointment.

Now, I believe that I've found the bridesmaids dresses, which I'm thrilled about. I will have 4 bridesmaids and choose two different dresses for them to wear. A short one for the younger girls and a long one for the older ones. They are totally not dresses that one could wear again, so much for that effort. But they are glam and I like them.

Pretty right? I love them. They are both by Alvina Valenta, I think from Spring 2006!! You would think I'd find something fab from this year but no dice. I kept looking at dresses but always came back to these two and since I couldn't make up my mind, decided to incorporate both.

So check and check! Two down and one to go. Still need to go to the bridal salon..maybe will try to do that this week. I have a special request for my gown so it's kinda big to do with the designer. Hopefully, I'll leave a happy camper. In the meanwhile, I need to order my birdcage veil. Actually, I'm thinking of being a two veil bride.. the long catherdral one for the ceremony and the 'cage veil for after. Ah decisions, decisions.

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