Friday, November 7, 2008

Boudoir Dressing

I've taken a wee break from all things wedding to look for nesting items for our post-nuptual home. While I try to keep our decor traditional with a modern twist, the bedroom and my newly agreed upon dream closet, by way of demo of the wall of the bedroom next to ours, leaves me to my own glamourous devices!

That said, awhile ago I purchased this chair...way before the engagement and all the wedding stuff that came shortly there after. It was a chair that I just was drawn to for it's sleekness yet familiar style. It was so chic I just had to buy it, even though it didn't work with our decor back then, so I just put it in storage, site person that is. Here's the beauty in all it's patent leather, antiqued rivets, elegant curved legs and padded arms, inspired by a design from Milan, gorgeousness:

a 35.00 dollar STEAL from Ebay, originally 800.00!!

Isn't she GORG!?!?! Love her! So this chair that has inspired how I shall decorate the dream closet and adjoining bedroom.

So in my search of something equally fab for the dream closet, it screams "Chandelier!!" I came across this:

EasyLiving store, Ebay

That black crystal chandelier is just so sexy!! My sister says that it's gothic to her I say maybe but you can't deny it's fabulousness.

And what would a dream closet and dressing room be without a swanky mirror to check out the emsemb you've put together:

Love that mirror!!! That is the small mirror, they have a large one and that's the one I'm purchasing. So that's been added to my shopping cart as well as that faux sheepskin, fluffy white area rug. Yum!

I think I'm off to a great start with my dream closet. I can't wait to get started with decorating!

Here's another pic of the mirror.. the large one, for no other reason than it's fab.


  1. Mmm, maybe once you're done I could just come and LIVE IN YOUR CLOSET! Nothing wrong with a bit of goth to ground the glamour. LOVE EVERYTHING!

  2. Hi RedFrame! Thanks for stopping by!! You crack me up... of course you can come by..we'll sip champagne. =D

  3. Love the {Romantic} flavor !!
    How about a few {Boudioir Portraits}? Read about it here:


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!