Sunday, November 23, 2008

Disappearing Act

This frigid weather is ravishing my skin and while I could go to my favorite spa for full body sugar scrub exfoliation and a hydrating body mask, I'd rather be here:

Just looking at the photo makes me happy so I can only imagine how over the moon I'd be, if I were there!!! I know the water, sun and sand would do my body and well being a heap of good.

The infinity pools are such a selling point for me in addition to all the other visual marvels of this resort. I've blogged about the Jade Mountain before, it's a BEAUTIFUL slice of heaven.

I find myself visiting the website more often and I really hope it's a consideration for the honeymoon. You see, I've been spamming Treasure with "P.S. I love this.." emails hoping he gets the hint as he's the one planning the honeymoon. I figure with me planning the wedding, he can plan the honeymoon. At this point, I don't know where we are going because I told him I want it to be a surprise. If the emails aren't a big enough "suggestion", then I will have to resort to my Jedi mind trick.

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