Monday, February 16, 2009

Champagne Wishes!

Hope your Valentine's Day was filled with pink champagne, chocolate covered strawberries and a very memorable Valentine's nightcap. *wink*

This year, due to planning the wedding of the my mind, teeeheeee, I wasn't really expecting anything for this Valentine's Day. Nope, there would be no additions to my budding Loubou collection. The horror, especially since the torture of seeing these beauts!

The Mirrored Loubous courtesy of

I just may have to treat myself to them though, in the Silver!

Unfortunately, those lovely shoes are not to be had as a V-Day gift but my Treasure provided something, dare I say, even MORE fabulous!?!? A mini vacay, all by revitalize. My eyes are still misty for the sweet and thoughtful gift.

As we clinked glasses to toast our love, he presented me with an envelope and said "here's your gift". What did my fluttery, lash extended eyes behold?? A plane ticket and a print out of a hotel reservation. He continued to say that he knows that with school, the business and planning, that I haven't been taking care of me and wanted to give me a few days of rest and relaxation. He's the BEST future husband in the whole wide world and I just love him to pieces!!

So from March 13-17th I will be at the Grand Palladium Jamaica Resort & Spa:

This place is just takes my breath away. It's a brand new resort and spa that opened in July of 2008. I love that it's an all inclusive property, so I won't have to take that much spending money. That gives me total piece of mind...but what cuteness to pack provides a whole other set of delightful problems that I'm all too happy to have!


  1. OMG!! What an amazing gift!! And I looooove those shoes.

  2. First of all, I could just stare at those shoes all day long...*sigh*
    Second of all, I'm so jealous!!! What a fantastic gift and what a fantastic husband-to-be :-)

  3. Gasp... tell hubby to be you need this South African blogger girl you barely know to join you there? It looks fantastic and you're going to have the best time! Lucky lucky girl!

  4. Hey Caitlin, Tanya and RedFrame,

    Aren't those shoes OMGoodness lovely!?!?!

    I'm still in a state of shock but I'm warming to the idea quite quickly. =) He never ceases to amaze me.

    RedFrame - I'll slide the suggestion in during dinner. =D


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!