Sunday, February 8, 2009

Shady Business

Ok, so I'm totally entrenched in all things wedding decor. I feel like I'm under the gun and need tangibles to put my mind at ease. For instance I really need to order that Pucci-esque fabric. At least get a sample so I, along with my event designer can tweak colors and sizing of the pattern, if needed. It's on my ever growing "to-do" list.

Next up is chandelier dressing. What is "chandelier dressing" you may ask? Well, it's placing a pretty, more coordinated drum over existing chandelier in a venue space that may not exactly go with your decor or overall look of your wedding. Here's some visuals:



Stunning, right? I love that it transforms the look in a subtle yet striking way. It doesn't exactly make the chandelier disappear but I think it can transform the look of a room without being too intrusive. For instance in the photo with the huge chandelier from Grace Ormond's Wedding Style Magazine, the traditional, glitzy chandelier was toned down in a very sultry fashion by adding the black sheer drum. I think it changes the whole look of the space. It's more youthful and fabulous!

The other photo is from a restaurant called "Sepia" in Chicago. Same thing here...sultry and fabulous.

I plan to suggest this option to my designer because while I love the funky wrought iron chandies at Liberty House, they don't exactly "go".

Oh and speaking of Pucci-esque fabric, I've been thinking of ways to incorporate it more as we have a much bigger space to work with and decorate. I found these great ideas from my fav fab planner, Colin Cowie. I just heart him to pieces!



The first photo depicts my old idea of having the patterned pillows incorporated into the lounge. We had a smaller space to work with and I didn't want to overwhelm the senses with the pattern in too many places.

But now, with the HUGE space we have, including the wrap around terrace that can totally accommodate a fabulous lounge, I can do something more like the second photo.. one banquet swathed in Pucci-esqueness! I love that idea.. especially outside in a big space. It'll be perfect seating for enjoying the marvelous view of the passing yachts and NY skyline. Oooh I can't wait to see everything together.


  1. Good gracious girl, that's one fantabulously stylishly gorgeous party you're planning... I literally can't wait to get there! Hope you'll play nice and share loads when all is said & done! x

  2. ooh, i love the second red look and the chandelier covers! I definitely think the covers are an updated glam look that will be fabulous :-)

  3. I love your blog! Such great inspiration!

    PS: I left you an award on my post today! Have a great week!

  4. This blog is fab! The Pucci-esque fabric ideas look so perfect and comfy for your guests. The red lounge touch seems intimate -- very nice! I love those candle centerpieces... they are just stunning.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!