Monday, March 23, 2009

Pretty Pictures

Got great news!! Finally found a photographer that will give me exactly what I want.. two photographers and all images edited on a disc, affectionately known as a "Shoot and Burn".

Not surprisingly, I found them on Craigslist under the title "Not your Mother's photography.." or something to that effect. Craigslist is such a wonderful community for finding almost anything. I'm thinking of hiring a jazz sax player and a company that provides casino to go for the cocktail hour that I found on there.

Oh yeah, the photography.. it's gonna cost us a cool $1500.00. That makes me REALLY happy. I now have a little budget for a videographer. I just HAVE to have the butterflies (getting ready) and the bliss (ceremony) captured for my viewing pleasure forever!

The company is called Ethan Alfred Studios and the owner, Stacy Librandi, is spunky and fun, I liked her immediately! Although she won't be shooting our wedding, I know we're in very capable hands with her equally talented associate, Jeremy.

Look at the gorgeous photos I pilfered from her Flicker site.


  1. Congrats on finding a photographer! Beautiful pictures...

  2. Congratulations...another thing off the checklist! I love the last image...very romantical! ;)

  3. Hi- I found your blog by googling "Stacy Librandi". I used Stacy for my wedding in 2008 and have yet to receive my wedding albums, despite the fact that I paid for 3 albums in full prior to the wedding and I've mande numerous attempts to contact her. She was very nice before the wedding but after the event, she's been ignoring my calls and emails. If you search for "Ethan Alfred Studios", you will find many negative reviews. Many other brides seem to be having issues with Stacy and her studio. PLEASE reconsider using Stacy Librandi as your wedding photographer. I don't want anyone else to go through what I've been going through.

  4. Hi Anon,

    I'm so sorry that you had to experience that. I'm at a total loss for words that you never rec'd your wedding photos. I've experienced similar issues with Staci and it prompted me to cancel her contract and I may pursue legal means to recover my deposit.

    Thank you for writing to me.

  5. Hi Courtney,

    I'm happy to hear that your experience was a great one. =)

  6. I've also used Stacy and Ethan Alfred Studios and am very disappointed. I paid in full and have yet to receive any wedding photographs. She seems to be m.i.a., especially since she's already been paid in full.

    Sorry to hear that other people are having the same, if not worse troubles with this photographer.

  7. My friend used Stacy for her August 2008 wedding and has yet to receive her albums...She also paid in full at the time of the wedding.

  8. Hi, I have also had my wedding in June 2009 and paid in full for Stacy Librandi. It's now 6 months since our wedding and we have not seen or heard anything from Stacy, in spite of trying to get a hold of her by phone and email for many months. I urge you to not go with her. Although she's extremely talented, she is completely unable to communicate with her clients after the wedding, which is very concerning considering a wedding photographer is possibly one of the most important vendors of that day and your photos are irreplaceable.

  9. I wanted to inform everyone NOT to use Stacy Librandi. I used her for my May wedding and here it is almost 9 months to the date and she still has not given me anything as per our contract. She has not returned any of my phone calls either. I am pursuing legal action against her since I paid in full and have not received my proof book, engagement shoot photos. NOTHING. It's sad because she is talented but a business woman she is NOT!!

  10. I'm really glad you had a good experience with Stacy Librandi. Unfortunately, that's not the case for many others. Case in point:

    "A simple Google search reveals that the Ethan Alfred Studios photographer, Stacy Novitsky, formerly Stacy Librandi, is now going by STACY BOURNE. (search string: Stacy + photographer + Haiti)

    My husband and I recently discovered that our wedding photos were destroyed in the fire at her apartment in the fall of 2009, approximately three months after our wedding. Obviously, the fire was a tragedy and was clearly neither her fault nor within her control; however, Ms. Librandi/Novitsky/Bourne’s response to us, her clients, was within her control and was very unprofessional. It took twenty (20) months for her to finally tell us that our photos were irretrievable because they were on a computer that was damaged in the fire.

    Ms. Librandi/Novitsky/Bourne has promised us a refund, but that does not change the fact that we have spent nearly two years anxiously awaiting the photos from our wedding. Those photos have not existed for 83% of that time, yet we were promised they were “safe” and that Ms. Librandi/Novitsky/Bourne was working on editing them so she could send them to us.

    If there are any additional families who are awaiting their photos, we sincerely wish you luck. Hopefully your luck will be better than ours."


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!