Thursday, April 9, 2009


I plan to spend some time with my Mom and go MOB dress shopping. Her requests, "I don't want to show my legs." OK Mom, no problemo.

Instead of the traditional satin number with the little jacket (ugh, who keeps designing these things???) I want my Mom to wear something fresh and comfy yet chic and elegant. I was thinking of something flowy, in maybe a chiffon and a flash of sass with a corset-y top. I found this photo of Whitney Houston and now it's my mission to find something fabulously similiar.

I love this dress for my Mom. I think she'd look stunning. The fit on Whitney is a little strange but I love the elements of the gown..flowy, shoulder baring, detail at the waist and corset-y top. Perfection!

1 comment:

  1. that's gorgeous! I would love for my mum to wear something other than the standard two-piece silk satin mumsy outfit. although I have a feeling that that is what she likes, so i should probably listen to that too ;)


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