Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh My Pucci-esque Goodness!

The "Pucci" wedding is shaping up nicely. With the new venue, my event designer/florist extraordinaire has implemented some truly FABULOUS new ideas which include these oversized "lampshades" trimmed with the Pucci fabric and dripping with orchids... a crystal curtain to divide the dining area from the "Dessert Library" lounge area. I'm so excited, I'm about to burst!

The only thing was was a little problematic was the acquiring the Pucci fabric. Initially, I had found the real stuff at a fabric store.. for a mind numbing $60.00 per yard. Uhhh no.

I continued to search fabric stores for something at least similar in coloring and pattern, to no avail.

Finally, I came across a company that makes digital prints on fabric. Sounds like just the ticket. I emailed my unusual request, "a Pucci-esque pattern, inspired by the Pucci Marine Spring 2008 line but not an exact copy - incorporating the colors of midnight blue, aqua, butter, sand, black and white"

I got a sample yard from the company and I was beyond thrilled with the result! I didn't even request the type of material, which they printed on a silk-like, semi-lustrous charmeuse. It's simply beautiful!

Wanna see?? Here it is!

Picture Inside

Picture Outside

The photos does it NO justice though. It's absolutely divine in person. Everytime I look at it, I can't stop smiling. My Treasure said I should make a skirt or dress out of it. After the wedding.. I just might.


  1. oh wow. that is amazing! it looks so beautiful! :]

  2. Hi LenkaLovee!

    Thanks for stopping by! I just love the fabric so much.. I'm going to go look at it again. =)

  3. OMG! Absolutely gorgeous! You are so resourceful! I love it!

  4. Wow, that is gorgeous! It feels so fresh and decadent - and better yet, you got a great bargain!

  5. Love it! Can't wait to see how it all turns out!...Where did you find the fabric?

  6. Hi Ladies! Thanks for the compliments on the fabric. Having major issues though with the company.. sorting those out currently and will dish once I have fabric in hand. The company is


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!