Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Most Wanted

At this very moment, as I look around my less than tidy house, I wish I had "I Dream of Jeannie" powers and could blink my house spotless. But alas, unfortunately that cool power was just a figment of a writer's imagination. Still I gaze at the mess that's not gonna clean itself.

This brings me to my latest obession. Should I or shouldn't I get a maid. Wow..that sounds so... weird.

I need help. I have finally admitted it. I have entirely too much going on and cleaning is the last thing I want to even think about doing when I get home. Is this wrong?

I've hesitated for sooooo long because I thought I could do it all.. but I really can't and I'm tired of trying to wear an "S" on my chest.. I'm not super woman.

While I wait for a representative to call me back from Merry Maids, I think I have found a new favorite gift to give. Wouldn't that be the coolest gift EVER!!!

Their tagline, "Relax. It's Done." is music to my ears.

1 comment:

  1. A maid service can be a tremendous stress relief. For me when my house is clean and in order I seem to be more focused and organized. When my schedule gets to hectic to do it myself I don't hesitate to call someone in.

    In addition to Merry Maids check out some of your smaller local companies. I've had the best experiences (and value) from the smaller (non-chain) companies.


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