Saturday, July 4, 2009

We All Scream For Ice Cream

Hey, my fellow Bridalistas! This has been a whirlwind weekend for moi. Fun yet exhausting. I had the final walk thru at my fabulous venue. It was really great, I had my event designer and DOC attend as well, so all the nitty-gritty is all hashed out with no stone left unturned. Boy was I in for a surprise as I thought, "yeah, it'll be a breeze, should last no longer than an hour..". WRONG! This was a four hour event. And my DOC has a laundry list of things for me to do. Yea! *enter sarcasm*

In lighter, more fun news.. I had expressed to the catering manager that I wanted a lil something special for my guest as they are cutting a rug... mini ice cream cones! I figured they can be passed out as we wind down to the last 45 to 30 minutes of dancing. I'm sure it would be a welcome and unexpected treat, a perfect ending to a summer wedding. She said sure but I had to supply the palettes. Sure no problemo!

Here's what I found:

First up is from a catering supplier, very chic and modern JBPrince

Another great find, however it only comes in packages of 48, from Philip R's

Both are great options and if I had a bride or brides to share the cost of the latter with, I'd totally get them, as I love that it looks like an artists' palette. But I think I will go with the acrylic ones, as the "palettes" are cardboard and not reusable.

As the acrylic ones will be mine to take home at the end of the night, I can use them again and again at my own little soirees. With these little cuties!!!

I LOVE THESE!!! 220 mini cones for only $23.50 on

They also have flavored ones, such a Garlic, and Tomato Pesto, which would make for interesting hors d’ oeuvres or a change of pace from crackers.



  1. I love these tiny cones! So cute! You should try and see if u can find a bride who would want them after your wedding. You never know!

  2. I entertain all the time. Something like this would be the perfect way to display a new appetizer! I also love the last picture with the mini cones scooping up the dip! Now, that's a new twist :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh my gosh, I've been seeing around, and i had no idea it was so actually affordable. And the crazy flavored ones are totally intriguing to me!

  4. The ice cream paint palette is so fantastic. What a great idea.

  5. So CUTE!!! Love them :-) Great finds.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!