Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Closet Freak

This closet has left me in an absolute AWE. I could live in this closet. I MUST have this closet. OMG, the fireplace in the dressing room... HOT!! Pun intended.

photos courtesy of Life + Style

This shoe salon and dressing room was lovingly and fashionably designed by Eddie Ammonds of Jackson Charles Design Studio. The concept was modeled after Neiman Marcus. Love and Love!

*note to self - new house MUST have at least 4 bedrooms - one designated for my very own Neiman-esque closet*

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great? I was surprised more people didn't like it, but everyone's style is different! Thanks for linking back to my blog, and thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!


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