Tuesday, January 19, 2010

From Blah to Brilliant

The Husband and I are looking to buy a home. Yeaaaaa! It's so exciting to me, our first home together. The place where many more memories will take place and fabulous home decor to ensue. Of course, I've taken to blogland to defer to some of the more talented individuals in that area for ideas.. for the home we don't have... yet.

For the most part, during my preliminary online searches I've seen alot of outdated looking homes. Hello?? Does any of these homeowners watch HGTV?? I guess not, because I've seen some hideous kitchens and bathrooms. However, I'm in the least bit discouraged as I know I can turn trash into a treasure, with the help of the trusty 'Net and Home Goods, I mean, Home Depot... well BOTH!

In my perusal for anything home decor fabulous.. I found this inspiring foyer Before and After:

The foyer is the first impression one gets of your home and it should be gorgeous. I just squealed with delight gazing at this fabulous bit of DIY by the crafty Kate of Centsational Girl.

See, most of the foyers of homes I've seen thus far looks EXACTLY like the before picture... nondescript,run of the mill, bland and meh! So, happening upon this post has me excited, should I have to tackle a less than fab foyer.

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