Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's a new year and with each passing year, there is opportunity for bigger and more fabulous things. I'm enthusiastic to see what journeys I will experience this year. So far on the docket is a purchasing new home, a trip to Paris with my sugar pie honey bunch, a possible new business venture and making my own wine. Whew, that's a mouthful but I'm ready!

With that said, my blog, primarily started to chart my wedding planning and relieve my friends and family from my incessant wedding babble, will be changing. It will still focus on all things fabulous, just not wedding related.. I may sneak in a gown or two, as I will always love all things wedding. After all, I am in the industry.

So in my farewell to my wedding planning blog, what else? PICTURES!

All photos by Julia Newman


  1. you are absolutely stunning! and what a gorgeous wedding!

  2. Fabulousness! Happy New Year :-)

  3. BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS!! That dress is stunning, and you look amazing! I was just asking about larger photos--these are really beautiful. Congrats!

  4. Girl you are stunning. I'm gonna have to play catch up on your blog but just wanted to say i love the wedding photos. How do i get on your blog roll? Tell me and i'll do it! :-)

  5. Hi Ladies! Thanks for stopping by!! Thank you so much for the compliments. =)

    AmyJean, adding you now. I love your ring.. just HAD to tell you again!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!