Friday, January 22, 2010

Our Newest Family Member

Yesterday was my husband's birthday and I truly surprised him with a fur baby.

He is a Yorkie and full of spunk! Of course, my Treasure had the liberty of naming the puppy.. guess what it was? Optimus Prime! After we shared a tearful laugh over that... we felt that Chompers better suit him.

Gotta go, the new lil master of the house beckons.


  1. You got him the dog! Very sweet. Hope he enjoyed the surprise and you guys had a great evening.

  2. Hi Ami and Dayka!

    Thanks.. he is so sweet and smart. He was MORE than surprised, actually I was taken aback by his reaction because he is usually very low key in the emotion area. He adores his 4 legged son. teeheee

  3. Love it! We have two yorkies: Tahoe (16) and Johnny Cash (2). They are the **best**!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!