Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do You Believe In Magic?

This is a totally random post but I just had to share. I have been on a seemingly never ending hunt for the perfect conditioner. I had been having a serious love/hate relationship with my hair and cleansing day is..well WAS a total nightmare.

I use Indian herbal powders for cleansing my hair, which is fine.. it strengthens my strains like nobody's business, so that's good. Then I condition and this is where the nightmare begins.. It seemed like none of the conditioners I had tried would ever give my hair enough slip or make it feel moisturized nor help with detangling, to my satisfaction. Ugh, the agony.

But now, *cue choir*, I have found something quite magical in my opinion and I couldn't be more thrilled!! Drumroll please!

The magic I speak of is TRESemme Naturals Nourishing Moisturizing Conditioner. This stuff is AMAZING, seriously... AMA-ZING!!! It's from the new Naturals line from TRESemme. It's a lightweight, silicone free conditioner that contains Aloe Vera and Avocado extracts. It's hypoallergenic, dye-free and color safe, which makes it great for all hair types.

When I first applied it to my hair, I knew I was on to something GREAT. It seemed to just melt into my hair, it was unreal. All the tangles disappeared with very little coaxing on my part.. a little fingering here and there and I was done. My hair felt plump with moisture and looked brilliant with shine. I'm smitten!

As with all things I love, I purchase in bulk. I high-tailed it to my nearest CVS to pick up a few more bottles, which was on sale 3 for $9.

Every time I look into my product closet (what? you don't have a product closet?), I smile and wink at my newest love.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info. I will be purchasing this! I'm on a hair journey and looking for quality products.


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