Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Color Me Fabulous

What a difference color makes.


Boring builders grade, everything.. BLEH!

I simply LOVE the color palette used here. The soft grey, ebony floors and white trim, it's spectacular. It's fresh, chic and really opens up the space. It sets the stage for fabulous decor.

images courtesy of Trista Lerit


  1. Have you been eavesdropping? I'm prepping to paint my walls gray. I purchased my paint last week.

  2. Hi Tonia,

    LOL, Great minds!

    What color are you using?

  3. I don't have the name of the gray, but I got it at Sherwinn Williams. I just know it's gray. I gotta get better with the names.

  4. i love it! I painted my walls grey when we moved into our home and I have all black furniture. Love the color combo

  5. LOVE the after - and the chair!!!

    and you have Loubous? - i'm so jealous! - i can spend the $ on any bag, but shoes, i can never bring myself to do so - but i DREAM about owning a pair! *sigh*

    Erika~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  6. Hi Erika,

    It's weird, I will spend money on shoes and bags but not too much on clothes.. I NEVER have anything to wear. lol And my Hubby bought me the 3 pairs of Loubous that I own. He's such a sweetie.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!