Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

To all the blogger and reader Moms out there, have a wonderful, relaxing, pampered Mother's Day.

Today I plan to take my 17 year old "baby" with me out for mani and pedis, take in a matinee, a light lunch and round the day out with sundaes at this great homemade ice cream parlor in my neighborhood. Mother's Day for us has always been "Mother - Daughter Day" and there's nothing I love more than spending time with my baby girl.

Here's an oldie but goodie, "I'll Always Love My Mama" by the Intruders. Enjoy!


  1. Girl you look amazing. I didn't even think you were old enough to have a 17 year old. I guess the saying is through, "Good black don't crack". LOLOLOL

  2. LOLOL I get that all the time. Most times people just refused to believe she's my daughter, when we are out together.. which is weird. Thank you for the compliment.

  3. If it's you on the wedding pictures you look amazing! Beautiful, beautiful images!

    Kristin xx

  4. Hope you had a wonderful mothers day!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!