Monday, June 7, 2010

Soooo Ready

This home buying process is so stressful. But I'm hopeful and praying that we get the house that we put an offer on.

I think about this house CONSTANTLY... like constantly, for real.. constantly. Every time my phone rings or I get a text, I hoping it's my realtor with good news.

Nothing yet... but she has encouraged me to keep looking just in case. I don't wanna keep looking. I found OUR house. I can see us celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary there, which is in August.

I have been cyber decorating each space, bit by bit. Watching the DIY Network like a mad woman for ideas and jotting down the names of all the tools and their uses. I'm so ready to tile and lay new hardwood floors, like nobody's business.

I'm just so ready for our house.


  1. oh honey i hope u get it!!!!! - i know how stressful it can be! - u'll have SO much fun once u get in there - and if it's meant to be - u WILL get it - i so can't wait to hear the good news SOOOOOON! ..

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. That is a BEAUTIFUL house! I really hope you get it!!!!!! I can't wait to see how you decorate it.

  3. Hey Ladies,

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Erika, as you said if it's meant to be, we will get it. So here's to hoping it's MEANT TO BE! =)

    Thanks Gorgeous! I have so many ideas in mind for decor. I'm bursting at the seams.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!