Monday, September 27, 2010

Traditional Home-y

Remember when we thought we had a house but didn't... well, we're we still hopeful we'd find something that we loved and we finally have!

Now, I had looked at maybe 30 houses before coming across this one. The MLS listing didn't really show anything but it described the house as having "old world charm". I thought, "This could be the one". My attention was piqued enough to wanna go see it.

When my realtor met me at the property, she said, "No, I hate this for you, it's totally not you." I told her we haven't even looked inside (while still standing on the curb). She sighed and said "Ok", half heartedly.

As we walked up the little walkway to the house, I looked around and smiled. I thought it was charming.

We got up to the porch and I loved the dutch door flanked by slim windows atopped with stained glass. Very cute. I peeked inside and squealed with delight. I told her, "I love this house already! Let's go in!"

Now, this house was built in 1892, so you know I immediately thought it would be a disaster inside.. but to my surprise most of the house had been restored and I believe that the previous owners probably ran out of money and didn't get to finish beautifying this home.


There are 7 bedrooms, 5 with working fireplaces.

The house gets a lot of natural light, which I love. With the soft yellow paint color and the bright sunshiny day, it looked almost ethereal.

*sigh* Such a pretty staircase. mahogany, probably and the detail just takes my breath away. While there, I just sat on the stairs, taking it all in. What a gem of a house.

I even love the park-like backyard.

The Hubby says that if we get this house, we will renew our vows in the backyard. He's such a sweetie.

Maybe this will be it, we're hoping and praying if it's meant for us, that all will go well. We put in a contract, it was accepted. Fingers and toes crossed.


  1. OMG I am in Love... Theres nothing like this is Miami- everything is cookie cutter builder basic! I hope all goes well!

    ps if this is a double post sorry- I keep getting an erroe message!

  2. I just read an emotional post on another blog so I am teary eyed right now from thanking God. And now this!!!!!!! OMG!! CONGRATS GIRL!!!!!!!!! You can do so much with this home. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo!! LOL! Happy that it finally happened for you. I can not wait to see how you transform each and every space. I'm so excited!! * does happy dance*

  3. okay I didn't read the whole post! I thought it was a done deal. Well I'm still believing God with you that this is your home.


  4. OMG - this house is amazing! i'm drooling just looking at all of the charm and potential at this place. i have a thing for old homes, and this one has it all! good luck - i hope it all works out for you :)

  5. That house is just BEAUTIFUL!! Absolutely gorgeous - the staircase is amazing - how dare the realtor try to dismiss it for you!! I am keeping my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you - I SO hope that you get it. Best Wishes and Good Luck from the UK! xxxx

  6. Its stunning!! I just love all of the charm and character in an older home - fingers crossed...

  7. I LOVE THAT HOUSE!!!!!!!

    It has good mojo you can tell.
    renewing your vows in the backyard and filling that home with love is exactly what it need.
    Fingers crossed.

  8. P.S. Your realtor should be smacked. :^)

  9. Thank you ladies for stopping by!! Always so excited to "meet" new people. =)

    Thank you for the well wishes for the house. It means the world to us.

  10. I am in love with it too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate you kind words. i am your follower because I want to read more.

  11. This house is amazing!! I can see why you were in love. The windows, the floors, the built-ins, oh my. I'll be crossing my fingers for you, please update us when you can!!

  12. Beautiful house-it's so airy too and i love the facade. Fingers crossed for you. I dropped by from Chic Modern Vintage:-) xx

  13. This house is GORGEOUS!!! I love every detail!

  14. Good luck to you, it's a beautiful home, so nice to see something with character. Lovely! What planet was that realtor on?!
    Hen x


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