Tuesday, December 28, 2010

DIY Interior Design *with the help of your fav designer*

I think I may forgo my beloved Zagliani bag and instead enlist the help of a interior designer, to help me with my house instead.

First up, Windsor Smith. I absolutely LOVE her work and her "Room In A Box" DIY decor option is of serious consideration. She can and has designed many a FIERCE, livable room and I love fierce yet livable.

Next up is Decor Demon:

What can I say that hasn't already been said about Brian? He's just a GENIUS! Aside from his stellar, out of the box designs, I love that he's all about the thrift and making a dollar outta fifteen cents. He's not above a good dumpster dive and as long as I have on gloves and boots, neither am I.

He repurposes and remixes like nobody's business. He also knows when to inject a little high end to bring a design to a cresendo. Bravo!

Brian, doesn't have a "room in a box" offering per se.. but he did give me a good quote via email and says that the price goes down significantly when other rooms are added. I like that.

Another DIY Designer dynamo: Betsy Burnham

Betsy is the brainchild behind Instant Space.

This mood board sample looks like it will be a blueprint for an effortless room.

Lastly, I'm considering Found Market:

They do "pretty" so well! Every installation I've seen, I just sigh and say, "That's so pretty."  Looking at their designs relaxes me.  Who doesn't want to come home to a relaxing sanctuary? I love that they also repurpose and remixes their client's furnishings.

Decisions, decisions. Who's a girl to choose?

 I have SO many things that I love but need help with scale, texture, color and placement. I need someone to edit my thoughts and ideas into a cohesive and fabulous design, while implementing my flava and incorporating pieces I have that I love.

See, I tend to think in sweeping views and don't want to end up with a room that's overrun with too much fabulous and looks like a upscale horders paradise. Which can easily happen and I admit that I need help.

Who would you choose?


  1. I love all of them, but I would go with myself :)...so seriously its kind of hard they're all good.

  2. Ohh that's a hard choice. I'd let any of these designers loose in my home for sure. I LOVE Windsor Smith's upscale design style, but I think I would go with a designer that is good at re-purposing because of the $. When you decide, I hope you will document your home makeover on here, I'm excited already!

    xo Linda


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