Friday, December 10, 2010

Glimmery Gold

I usually have a real tree every year. I just love the smell...makes the house feel Christmas-y. But, I think I will start alternating between a real green, a white and a GOLD tree!! Hey, what can I say? I'm a lover of variety.

I WANT IT!! It's ultra glamorous and needs very little ornamentation to shine. No pun intended.  I could just imagine hosting a holiday soiree and have this 9 ft champagne gold tree in the foyer. *Squeal of delight*

I would probably add more clear lights and some black ornaments. Yup, black and a little gold. 

That would be chic and scream PAR-TAY!

Not sure what I would do as a tree topper,  I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. However, I may try my hand at a peacock topper.. Love those!

L-O-V-E the drama of the peacock with the tail of feathers cascading down the side of the tree. Fabulous!


  1. Love the idea of a gold tree. Super chic and cute. Never saw one of those. The jury is still out on the peacock topper but I LOVE the tree.

  2. I love gold too! It's a fabulous idea. Would go perfectly with my color palette :)

    Have a great weekend!


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