Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A New Look For The New Year

I think I want to make a drastic change for the New Year and cut and color my hair. This haircut has been stuck in my mind since I first saw it. I love the androgyny.

Here's my look now..more or less..

I've worn this look FOREVER.. like forever. Slicked back ponytail.. nothing more, nothing less. I'm kinda sick of it. I feel like having a chic, short cut will make me look more edgy.

Still pondering..


  1. i chopped my waist-length hair into a short bob a few years back, and have been going shorter and shorter ever since. it's a-may-zing. i say go for it and enjoy those extra minutes in the morning. they add up! plus, a good reason for some new fierce clothes. gotta match the hair, right?!

  2. Hi Veronica,

    Wow, really? Waist to short bob? I feel a little nervous but the boredom is tilting the scales to cutting it.

    Thanks for stopping by! =)


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!