Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Resolutions?

Nope, I have no specific 2011 resolutions as I believe that in my life, progression is always evolving. They have ebbs and flows like the most natural things in life. For me, where there is deficiency in one area, there is abundance in another.. it all balances out. It leaves me in a more peaceful and less stressed out state, which is particularly challenging for this Virgo. My goals are always subject to tweeking and overhaul or deletion, if needed.

Gosh I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes!

I will share with you activities that I would like to add to my bucket list. You already know about my upholstery class, which is upcoming and I can't WAIT!!

The first activity I'm insanely excited about is horseback riding. I've always loved horses... so majestic and beautiful. However, I have had a small fear of them so I figured what better way to get over that fear than to embrace it with horseback riding lessons.

The other activity is Bikram or Hot Yoga.

I think I'm the most least flexible person in the entire world. Seriously, my muscles are so tight, I think they are making me shorter. I've decided to take a Bikram Yoga class.

The thought of doing anything in 104 degree heat, is intriguing to say the least. But it does make sense to heat something you are trying to make more pliable..

Wish me luck.


  1. Totally love Bikiram Yoga!!! It's a great experience. But Girl Make sure you bring a scarf and wrap your hair becuase it will be a mess afterwards. LOLOL

  2. I'll leave the Bikiram yoga. I'll settle for just streching :) I don't have any resolutions either. I just kind of go with the flow. If I hadn't said it already Happy New Year.

  3. said no resolutions but it sounds like you have at least two...and such good ones. Perhaps, I will think of some resolutions during my next yoga class...
    Mary Ann


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