Monday, January 24, 2011

Decorator White


The hubby and I were talking about paint again as we are finally in the last stretch of this renovation. (OMG, I had no idea it would take the entire winter! So much for enjoying our 50 kabillion fireplaces. lol But I digress.)

So back to paint, the Mister thinks we should go with a creamy-with a drop of grey tinged white walls instead of grey walls. And I have to admit that I'm torn.

The creamy white walls would look so fresh and make the space look expansive but being an apartment dweller, we've lived with dull white walls for a long time. I think we need some color. He thinks the white would be a better choice because of the expresso floors.

I dunno.. but this photo of a entry is making a great case for white walls. So pristine yet warm and welcoming.

Decisions, decisions.


  1. I love that photo you posted today. A gorgeous, fresh white is probably the way to go.
    Maybe jazz up a powder room or den with some color before committing to all the walls.
    It's tough, though! (But a "good" problem to have!!) :)

  2. This room would make my decision for me...perfection!!


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