Monday, January 10, 2011

So Over Winter!

This cold, dreary weather is giving me a case of the blahs. My thoughts are constantly thinking of the next time my skin will be sunkissed.. when I can lounge on the beach with Rum Punch in hand and pedicured toes in the sand.


  1. I feel the same way! I neeeeeeed the sun!

  2. Stop playing with people!:) I feel the exact same way.

  3. Oh this would be so ideal right now... especially with 8" of snow heading my way in a matter of hours!

    I just wanted to say thank you so much for the sweet compliments on my blog. I've actually left 13 & South and moved the whole blog over to Design Manifest. I do hope you'll follow along over there.

    I'm your newest follower too!


  4. Hi Ladies,

    Ashleigh, you sound like you may need the sun more than me and I didn't think it was possible. lol

    Tonia, We should coordinate a Blogger's Paradise getaway. Kinda like "Lavish" but on the beach...with mandatory Rum Punch in hand. We could probably shut a hotel down and get an awesome rate. The booking would go something like this.. "Hello, Hotel in Paradise, we would like to book your whole hotel for 3 days for hundreds of lifestyle bloggers. What's your rate? $100.00 per person? Great! We will take it."

    Hi Naomi, Thanks for stopping by. Thanks so much for giving me your new blog home. I'm following, of course!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Day three of snow, freezing rain and bitter cold in want to be on a warm island!!

  7. Oh girl!! These pictures are so beautiful. I want to fight you for posting them! LOL! lurve taps


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!