Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another Porter Chair Post

I know, I know.. but I won't stop posting about my beloved chairs until I have one or two in my posssession. I just LURVE them!!

So, I have finally found my chairs and the price is quite ridiculous as in I can get two for the price of one in a usual circumstance. BUT the shipping of said chairs will be around $900.00!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!?!?!

Did you know that you can ship items via Greyhound? Yup, the bus transportation company. I've looked into how much it would cost to ship my babies and it only cost $67.00 per chair. How crazy is that?! But the owner won't wrap and drop them off. *sigh*

I'm so annoyed. But I'm determined and I will get those chairs and not for freaking $900.00 in freaking shipping.

*Also I wouldn't decline the help of a fellow blogger that happens to live in Los Angeles..that could pick them up from showroom, wrap them lovingly and snugly in bubblewrap and cardboard and drop them off at the nearest Greyhound station. That would be AWESOME and I could provide a payment as a token of my appreciation and cover the materials for covering my babies.*


  1. This means you are going to have to get some :)

  2. I swear if I were in LA I would so do this!! Is that Los Angeles or Louisiana?? I still need to accomplish my meaningful goal for 2011. Oh yeah you KNOW those chairs crack me up EVERY time I see one! However the first pic is not so bad. Cute actually.

  3. Hey Ladies,

    @ Tonia
    Yes, I have to get them so I can put that obsession to bed.

    @ GP
    Yup, in Los Angeles. *goes to edit..*

  4. I'm not a huge fan of the style in general, but the black and white set is very hot! Very sleek and sophisticated. Hope you get your set soon!


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