Monday, March 7, 2011

Get In My Closet!

I've been having a serious jones for clutch bags as of late. The bigger and more unique, the better.

First up, from American Apparel:

Although, it's not actually labeled a "clutch", this Leather Pouch will do the trick. I love the simplicity of it. A perfect addition to almost any outfit.

I opted for this one:

Some might say it's way too big but it's the very reason I love it. It's obnoxious and will be perfection stuffed under my arm. teeehee

Also on the hunt for an equally as big leopard clutch.

Alexander Wang Cher Large Siamese Clutch - sold out??  BOOO!

Next, on my radar is this clutch by Marc Jacobs. So cute!

I like both colors but I know I'll get more use out of the black option.. Decisions, decisions.

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