Thursday, March 10, 2011

The New Traditional

While on Youtube, I came across some short videos featuring one my favorite interior decorators, Darryl Carter. He has a new book out, "The New Traditional", that I plan to pick up tomorrow but these vids are a great precursor and definitely have me chomping at the bit.

This particular video is for Benjamin Moore, where he discusses his use of Moonlight White, throughout his home. It's a treat because it features snippets of his home, which are GORGEOUS.

I think I made a wonderful choice of changing our new interior paint from Silver Fox to Moonlight White. It will allow my furniture selections to pop as they do so wonderfully in the video.

The book and Mr. Carter's perspective is so fresh and inviting. It will surely be a guide for me as I continue to decorate our home.

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!