Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fab Outdoor Room

Tapas and margaritas anyone?

I know it's a little over the top but I would love this lounge-y setup for a baby shower. Most of the events I have are usually intimate and this would be perfect.... perfectly ME!!!

Of course we would need tables for comfort of my guest for dining on tasty viddles and this would be... again perfect!

All fab photos from Trista Lerit.

I know the baby shower inspiration doesn't scream "BABY SHOWER!!" and that's how I like it. Fab and chic and not typical.

*nope not preggers but a notorious planner*


  1. That outdoor setting looks pretty fantastic! I say perfect for a potential future baby shower!

    x Sarah

  2. oh my gosh i want that top outdoor furniture!

  3. It's over the top, but I absolutely love it!

  4. This is beautiful, elegant and very pretty. I really like the outdoor fire place and the dear head. I think this would be a great idea for baby shower as you mentioned, or bridal shower, even just a get together with the ladies.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!