Monday, April 4, 2011

Round Settee, I Love Thee

I want a round settee in my living room... one that will work with the scale of the room.

This one isn't inside a living room per se.. but you get the idea.

I thought I wanted a daybed but I'm leaning more towards a round settee to keep the space more airy and give it more flow. And I just love how it looks.

I ran the idea past my husband and he's reply was, "So you and your girlfriends can feel like you're at the club?"

I chuckled and said, "Why not?"


  1. At the club! LOVE IT! And I love the round setee! I would love one too!
    Show us pic's when you get one!
    Have a pretty day!

  2. I did love the rose colored, one in your previous post it had sort of a vintage feel. But this taupe color has my entire heart. Love the at the comment!!!


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