Thursday, May 5, 2011

Taking a "Me" Day

I'm taking a "Me" day today. It's well over due and much needed. Today I will be..

Doing this:

And buying this:

Needed a cute nude summer sandal

Something to wear to my daughter's high school graduation *sniffle*

Classic navy and white tunic. Can't believe I've lived this long without one. Perfect to wear anytime.. with white shorts, skinny pants, over a swimsuit.. love it!
Will round the day out nicely by seeing this:

What are you doing today?


  1. Work.
    Not half as fun as what you're doing.

    Have a great day!

  2. u go girl! - i'm sick and still at work *boo* - i need like a 3 month ME time!

  3. Sounds like I lovely day.

    I'll be doing homework, then doing research for the professor I work for. Not nearly as awesome as your day.

  4. Work is no fun! I could use some "me" time too. Have fun! Thanks for your lovely words on my announcement too:-)

  5. Love that graduation dress, you'll be fly while you're crying!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!