Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Biggest Loser Day

Today is my "Biggest Loser" workout day. I work out for 4 hours, just like the contestants of one of my fav shows. I've already completed my 2 hour run. It was great. Did I actually just say running was great?!?!

I had to take a break from running because of shin splints but now I'm back in full effect! I haven't been getting as winded, which makes it sooooo much easier to keep going. YAY me!

My next workouts will be via Exercise TV and will include meeting up with my girls, Jackie Warner and Julian Micheals.

Then, rounding out my "Biggest Loser" day with Pilates.


  1. 4 hours!!! ughhh, that sounds brutal, but I so want and need to try, i will let you know how it works out. I am thinking, one hour elliptical machine, one hour treadmill, one hour zhumba, then floor excercise and weights divided 30 and 30

  2. Hi Saroya!

    It was more brutal thinking about it than when I really got going. I guess that exercise high kept me going..and I actually felt good after I was done.

    Your workout plan sounds perfect. I want to try Zumba.. my sister says that it's killer. lol


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!