Monday, July 11, 2011

Can I Have?

I know I'm beating the same drum but this is yet another post about the house.. which the Husband and I, loving call, "Sugarcube".  Backstory: The name came about when I saw my dream, dream house about 3 years ago.. and the street it was on was called Sugarloaf. It was waaaaay out of our budget.. even in our dream budget.

When we found our current house, my Hubby asked me if it was a dream, dream house... I told him, just one dream.. he said, well it can be our Sugarcube.

Ok, trolling the internet is bad for one's health.. the health of the bank account. I've seen some really great things, that in time, I want to add to our humble abode. Wanna see?

I saw this Chinoiserie door and I want something similiar:


I found these double doors on 1st Dibs.. the price wasn't too bad. I may get them in put them away until I figure out where I'd like them. Let the hoarding begin!
 I have always loved and wanted a ram's head base desk. They are so incredibly chic.. I can't stand it!

While a desk is not in my immediate future, this little side table may be:

I just love this little table!! I love the juxtaposition of the lucite top and the rustic looking base. A great, unique piece. I like that it's sculptural yet functional. 

Speaking of tables, I think I have found a stone table for the patio. I found this on the CL and I'm trying to work the price down because I know I will pay handsomely for someone to transport this 500 pounder to my house.

Lastly, (for this post) I have been DYING to find this chandelier that I have been head over heels for since I first saw it on HBO series, True Blood. I could not find any photos of it on the web and had to resort posting a video.. It's not long... check out the foyer chandelier at :36.

LOVE!!!  Can anyone tell me where to find that beautiful lighting?

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