Monday, July 18, 2011

Movin' Things Around

I was up really early and took Chompers on a long walk. During our walk, I was finally inspired to work on totally clearing out the living room and playing with furniture placement.

I still need to paint the fireplace. May do that today. I would also like to find some X-benches or something to place in the foreground area of this photo. That's the area that's open to the foyer..

Trying my hand at a vignette... I need more accessories and to decide if fushia will be my accent color. Also should I keep those armchairs cream or reupholster in a cute pattern? Should they stay antique gold or should I repaint in a snazzy silver? Decisions, decisions.

Will have a custom daybed, bench type thing made to fit into the bay window seat area on the left. I want it to be a cream color and I can't wait to zhush it with big, fluffy, colorful pillows.

Will also pick up spray paint and finally paint those tables... after I take off the tags. LOL
 I'm pretty happy with what I came up with and made notes of what I have to swap out.. for example need new lamps, I have to spray paint the circle tables an antique gold color, (until I find a cocktail table.. should the circle tables not suffice) new accessories and my walls are in need of some interest. Still looking for a great abstract.

I want a glamorous living room.. hopefully, I'm on my way.


  1. Love the mirrored console, and I spy a little fur baby looking out the door.

  2. i've said it time and time are a girl after my own heart! where are the beige & gold chairs from? love them!

  3. Looks lovely and its coming together very elegantly to me!

  4. Hey Ladies,

    Thanks for stopping by!

    @Tonia - Chompers was the photo director.. lol

    @Nuha - I got the chairs from an older couple on Ebay. They told me they bought the chairs in France when they went on their honeymoon. I could be a fib but I liked the chairs and the story was cute too.

    @GP - Thanks a bunch!! =)


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!