Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's Official!

I officially loathe painting and any derivative thereof. I'm currently working on priming the family room. While working on the built-ins, I knocked over a whole can of primer on the floor. The uncovered floor. I was momentarily in a state of shock as I watched the primer race across the floor.. I was FREAKIN OUT!!! I started trying to scoop it up with my hands.. ummm, yeah.. HORRIBLE idea. Then I ran upstairs to the bathroom and grabbed everyone's towels and raced back down to try and get up the primer that was now taunting me because it was threatening to start to stick to the floor. I worked like a mad woman.. I could feel tears welling up in my heart was pounding.. and I was sweating bullets. However, to someone watching me, they would have been on the floor dying laughin'.

All I could think was, "Please don't let Chompers come in here..". That was the last thing I needed, tiny paws covered in primer, tracking it all over the house as I chased him.. because surely he would think it was a game of "Im'ma get you". I shudder at the thought.

Anywhoo.. after cleaning up the primer.. I was able to remove the sticking bits with mineral spirits. I had this on hand to clean the brushes of the primer.. but it didn't work well for that. Actually, it didn't work at all. However,for  removing the primer from the hardwood floors, it was perfect. YAY!

In addition, to working on the tedious built-ins... we decided to paint over the wallpaper.  Reason being, 1) it's a non textured paper so should we decide to paint, it will be smooth.. 2) Trying to remove it would be a "nightmare" - that's a quote from a professional wallpaper-er. 3) Didn't want to deal with the expense of having to spackle the wall.

So far, so good. I'll keep you posted on how that turns out.

Please excuse the dark pic.. taken with phone camera. I need a new camera.. Hubby, are you listening?

In more exciting news, I want to use this wallpaper. Isn't it pretty? I happened to find it while strolling through Lowe's.

Spanish Tile

I want to use it either in the family room, I'm thinking on both sides of the fireplace and leaving the middle part above the fireplace white.. we have have the tv mounted there. Or use it in one of the hallways. Or use it in the sitting area of the 3rd floor... Or use it in one of the bedrooms that will become the master walk in closet.

I really love it and surprisingly, it doesn't overwhelm me.

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