Friday, September 16, 2011

Brisk Yet Sunny

That's the forecast and while not my ideal.. (I like a balmy 90) it will be good weather for my first visit to a winery.

Alba Estate Winery is having a special wine release for their 2010 Dry Riesling. I have just recently discovered the yumminess of Riesling so I'm excited to try this. In addition to the new wine, they will be serving a warm Lobster Tart as part of the tasting. More yumminess!

I guess it will be a perfect time to break out the coats and boots.


  1. Ooww! Enjoy yourself! I love Rieslings and that lobster tart looks scrumptuos!

  2. that outfit is gorgeous! i need that coat (and i want legs like hers too)

  3. I love doing fabulous things and this looks FAB!!!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!