Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Designer Holiday Decor

I know it's only approaching Halloween and I have some time before these decor ideas become necessary but my mind has been on holidays... more specifically Christmas. I love Thanksgiving too but I don't really decorate for Thanksgiving.

This year I want to have a gold Christmas tree.. yup, I do. So, I figured I really needed to up the fab factor with it's decor. I have always admired trees dressed to the Christmas nines but could never figure out how to make it happen at home.

Well, I have to wonder no more. I found this great tutorial on creating a designer tree and it's so simple but the impact is POW!!! Who knew it only took some metallic mesh to zhush it up???
I found these great ideas at Sam's Club.. *record scratch* I know, right. Whodathunkit?

Of course, my color scheme will be different. I'm thinking golds, champagnes and sparkly things.. and a fab faux fur throw for the tree skirt.

I will also take Eddie's advice and wrap the gifts in coordinating colors...using pretty wrapping paper and fabric bows..

Via Eddie Ross

He even has a tutorial on how to make a pretty bow.

I can't wait... our first Christmas in the new house.  Yay!


  1. Love your site, and love a designer christmas tree!! I do this same look with different colors, gold, cream and glittered chocolate brown, even down to the packages! Please post pictures of your finished tree.

  2. Looking forward to seeing the gold tree, it sounds fabulous! I'm about to order a black tree for something a little different this year.


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