Friday, October 21, 2011

Gilded Entry

Today I worked on the entry area of the house. Although the foyer is spacious, there are no walls to really work with. So, I decided to try and make it a little nicer and define it a bit.

I had a small table that fit the space nicely:

I liked its cabriole legs and open fretwork but the darkness of it was blah. So, I broke out my handy dandy gold spray paint....

Ahhhhh, the gold is so much prettier. I added an Asian figurine lamp (will change out the lampshade.. it's just a placeholder...good shape but not the color).

I knew I needed something on the wall. First up, a picture that I love:

Hubby was so kind to hold it in place for me, while Chompers looked on... I like it but don't love it.

Next up, I figured I'd try a mirror that I have. I knew it would probably be too big for the space but I wanted to see if a mirror would work better.

I really liked the mirror. It instantly further brightened and enlarged the space. The mirror is kinda heavy so I couldn't get Hubby to maneuver out of the way..but I think it looks great. The oversizeness of the mirror was really appealing, very glam!

Which do you like? Picture or mirror...or should I look for something else for the wall?

If I go with the mirror, should I get a taller lamp? Or can I get away with sitting the lamp on some books?


  1. Definitely the mirror! And that lamp size looks fine. I don't think you need to make it taller, but of course that's just my opinion. I really really like the fact that you sprayed the table gold. You hooked it up!!

  2. Yes the mirror is an excellent choice! It really did brighten the whole space. LOL at trusty gold spray paint!


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