Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Digs

I'm thinking about a blog makeover. As much as I love my lil' blog, I want to make it more ME. I want something bling-y and visually stunning... I don't know how "bling-y" translates to HMTL for a blog but that's what I want.

First and foremost, I would really, really, REALLY like to be able to add bigger pictures to my blog. I love when I visit a blog and their photos are as big as life. I like that.

I also want to make it more organized as I plan to add more interesting content.. because, frankly, as I grow.. so should my blog.

I want to consider my blog a life and style blog or grow into that... so while "P.S. I Love This" is kinda a catch all for all the fab stuff I LOVE.. I want it to more defined, digestable and prettily packaged... kinda like a petit four.

I'm just thinkin'... ummm... writing "out loud" but as I further ponder the future of my blog, I would love suggestions on a great blog designer.

Soooooo, who do you recommend?


  1. ahh there's nothing like a blog makeover!

    It's just amazing how a great looking site can pull you in, and I definitely agree with the picture size. I think you have a great model for growing and developing your blog =D

    I'm planning on adding a website/blog design service to my resume, so let me know if you need any help ;-)

    xox Linda

  2. Shari at Little Blue Deer does amazing graphic design (blogs).

  3. What a wonderful idea. I see your blog doing BIG things! You are very creative and have great taste, and everyone should be exposed to your talents! Good luck!


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