Friday, November 4, 2011

Let There Be Lighting

With the family room's painting finally completed, I have turned my focus to styling the shelves and lighting.

click to enlarge

You may see that hide rug more times than you care to in different parts of the house and that's because it's the only rug I have right now... it adds some visual interest to the pics. K? K!

I went through my boxes of books and what nots and attempted to pretty up the shelves.

Sorry for the dark picture.. It's so hard to get a good picture with my point and shoot camera. Hubby, you hear that??

This photo is a tiny bit better.. it shows the glossy black goodness of the shelves. It looks so fab in person.

When I was done styling the shelves, I noticed a few things.. that I need more books, what nots and LIGHT!

 I'm thinking of possibily adding sconces to the shelves.

It will be especially needed once I add roman shades and just having the overhead lighting is not gonna cut it. Although the family room will be mostly for chilling out and watching TV.. I may wanna crack open a book or thumb through a magazine and not go blind doing it.


  1. Hi!

    Thanks. I became woefully aware that I need more stuff after unpacking my books. I need to make a trip to our storage.. hopefully there's things there that I totally forgot about.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!