Friday, December 9, 2011

Under The Christmas Tree

These would be nice under the Christmas tree... for ME!!

YSL in a neutral. Gotta have a neutral.

YSL in a fresh purple! Looks luscious.


  1. Simply Fabulous! I really like the gray shoe. I'm into YSL this year. Have you seen their statement rings? I want one along with one of their t-shirts.

  2. Hey GP!

    Aren't they beautiful!? I added the purple-y shoe because I just don't have enough color in my wardrobe. Trying to get out of why not with a pair of YSLs? =)

    I have an Arty ring.. and I want another. You have to treat yourself to one. They are so fab. I like the t-shirts, too.

  3. It's just too hard to be a woman, it's so much easier being a man. I couldn't walk around in those heels, I'm sure I'd fall flat on my face and kill myself.

    Yeah, it's good to be a man at times.

  4. Ohh I love the purple heels, been wanting a colorful striking pair for quite a while!

    xox Linda

  5. those shoes are seriously just so gorgoues! And they come in so many great colors!

  6. I do love your taste in shoes. The higher the better. Here's hoping that Santa is listening. :) Thank you so much for stopping by the blog. Have a wonderful Christmas and a restful weekend. xoxo


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!