Monday, January 30, 2012

Color Me Pink

The cover of Veranda magazine has me lusting for adding some pink hues to my home.

I love the idea of the Asian jars and cherry blossoms, especially for my foyer area. I love the drama of the height which would be an exciting introduction to my home. Now, I just have to figure out where to buy cherry blossoms.


  1. I was flipping through this issue in the airport, I really adore the home that was on the cover....lovely!


  2. I've been seeing the color pink a lot lately. I'm not sure if I'd use in any other room other than my bedroom?

  3. I don't go with a lot of pink......but then again, I am a straight man.

    I have a pink oxford and a pink polo I'll wear occasionally, but I don't generally keep anything else pink around me.


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