Friday, March 16, 2012

Making Lemonade

I've decided to make lemonade outta my lemon. The lemon, in this case, is my current dining room table.

I had halted working on the dining room because I have been trying to sell this table so I can buy another one but it's been a no-go. While I don't have a problem with having a glass table per se.. I think it's the base that really bothers me. So, I'm gonna change out the base.

This photo from House Beautiful, has inspired me:

I LOVE how glam this glass table looks with the more traditional chairs. Now, I really can't tell what the base is of this table so, I took a guess and came up with a CLEAR base.

I took to checking eBay to see if something like this existed and it does!!


This is so exciting for me because I was thinking I would be stuck with this table forever and never finish the dining room. #winning

The table base and the chairs will go into the basement and I will finally get around to finishing my Regency chairs.

 I'm re-upholstering them in faux Croc, Ostrich or Python and possibly paint the chairs a glossy gray, white, black or maybe fushia.

Clearly, I need to really hammer down some details but just knowing I can use this table and get going with decorating, gives me so much joy!

Oh and after trolling Craigslist for what seems FOREVER, I found some Asian style "captain" chairs at a price I wanted to spend.

These are gonna look "fon-kay" after I zhush them up. Swath in a faux skin and some glossy paint.. Oh, Chile!


  1. That glass with the traditional chairs is a lovely set up.

    I like those "captain" chairs too. LOL! They will look great after you change them and make them better. Too bad people aren't chairs!
    I like the idea you have for them. Fushia would really be fon-kay! lol

  2. i bet it'll look gorgeous no matter what you do!

  3. Those chairs you have are gorgeous!! Cant wait to see what you end up doing with the.

    Raiana xo,

  4. Your dining room table is gorgeous! What is exactly about it that you don't like?


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