Friday, June 22, 2012

Fuschia Fever

I can't believe I haven't blogged since April 1!! Whaaaaaat!?! Where did the time go?

To tell the truth, I haven't done much of anything socially online in a long while, mostly living life offline and being more "present".

Yet, I still adore my beloved blog and decided to begin posting again.. I'm feeling inspired to work on my house again which led to this post.

Fuschia Fabulousness!
When I saw this photo, I was stopped in my Louboutin tracks! It was a true "aha" moment because although I love(d) my glossy black shelving in my family room, it just wasn't "it". Even my Hubby is all over it, he says that he loves that the room will have a "pop".

The black is cool but the fuschia will be epic!
I'm headed to the hardware store to pick up Benjamin Moore's Mulberry then have my painter friend hook it on up!

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!