Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Home Update

I've purchased some new furniture...finally. A sofa for the family room and a table for the dining room.

Althought nice and seemingly perfect for the room it will be housed, this sofa wasn't my choice.. I wanted something camel colored and a little more tailored but Hubby really liked it's extremely comfortable, "perfect for  loungin' around in the family room" look.

It DOES look comfy. Good job, Hubby!

We compromised.. he picked the sofa and I talked him into re-painting the bookshelves as the black may make the room too dark with the new dark gray sofa.

But I am questioning my choice of re-painting the bookshelves Mulberry by BM.

Do you think it would still look good? Fuschia shelving with a patterned back? I don't want the room to be too feminine.. even though Hubby says he would love a pop of color in our otherwise, black, white and gold/brass color palette of a house.

Here's how it looks now..

Can't get a good pic of the family room.. it's bigger in person than it appears.

Decisions, decisions... *sigh*

Anywhoo.. on to the dining room. I have been searching high and low for a rustic, reclaimed wood, Asian inspired dining room table. I haven't found anything that I liked. NOTHING!!

So I decided to instead look for another equally nice dining table and maybe find a rustic accent piece for the dining room.. like a sideboard or something..

Here's the table:

I was really amazed to find this table where I found it. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I saw this table in several other stores/sites for almost triple the price. Crazy town!!

It's not the rustic, reclaimed, Asian-y table I wanted but if I squint hard, it gives me an Asian, Hollywood Regency vibe. I think it will be fabulous even though it will take my decor inspiration in another direction.

Now, if only I could get started with that reupholstery and painting and adding molding and.. and.. and...  

Sometimes I feel I will never be done with the first floor. But I must admit, I am enjoying the journey.


  1. Why don't you get just a quart and paint a small section of the shelving and see how that pans out? I think it'd look fabulous still, but it IS a bold decision! Although, as everyone always says....'it's only paint'...fairly easy/cheap to swap out down the road!

  2. I agree with Meghan the only way to really know is to get a can of paint and try it out.

  3. ...Back in to say I love the comfy sofa and that table is Everything!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!