Saturday, July 28, 2012

Now You See It...

In a few days, my Hubby will hang the tv over the fireplace in the family room. I cringe everytime I think of it because while we need a tv in there, I don't like the look.

I chose a photo where the tv didn't look too bad but I still don't love that look. Great space though!

So, I would like to thank the little genius that came up with the tv hideaway..

John Richard Collection Plasma TV Entertainment Cabinet

Chinoiserie Plasma TV Cabinet

I found others but these are the only two styles I would consider. It's great that both are on sale as well.

Come to think of it, I could totally make my own mounted tv cabinet. I could customize it to fit the room's decor. Does anyone have a DIY to share?


  1. I know - after 9 years in our house, we FINALLY put the tv over the fireplace (where it really belongs) in our family room. I hate it aesthetically, but it IS a lot more functional room now. I'm glad I gave in. I do wish i could have bought one that turns into a mirror when it is off. These cases you found are really nice!

  2. I adore option one. Just enough shine--fabulous but not gaudy.


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